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A.S.A.P Motors, is an RMI Approved Workshop in Fourways (Montecasino) Pineslopes Centre

Click here to view our 5-Star grading Certificate

The RMI (Retail Motor Industry) is a proactive, relevant, retail, and associated motor industry organisation recognised as the leading voice in South Africa’s automotive aftermarket.

  • We adhere to a strict code of conduct
  • Guaranteed workmanship
  • Offer fair pricing
  • Trained mechanics
  • Fit top-quality parts
  • Warranties

Belonging to the RMI gives your business a competitive advantage, says RMI CEO JEFF OSBORNE.

It’s no secret that times are tough and competition is stiff, the latter to some extent a by-product of our hard-won democracy and free-market economy. South Africa has been declared “Open for business” by President Jacob Zuma, with everyone having the right to fair and equal trade opportunities.

This freedom to conduct business has made standing out from the crowd ever more difficult, with product and service differentiation harder than ever to immediately identify. This is where the value of one’s competitive edge, the upper hand one business entity has over its rival entities within its competitive industry, becomes so important.

Being an accredited RMI member gives your business an advantage over non-RMI member businesses, because our brand is an indicator of credibility and trust, giving your customers peace of mind. RMI affiliation creates a sense of surety that would otherwise be lacking; this is just one example of the several benefits of belonging.

Like trust, your competitive advantage needs to be earned. Often it can be determined only when an organisation acquires or develops an attribute or combination of attributes that allow it to outperform its competitors. This is a situation that strengthens and positions a company better within the business environment, making it easier for customers to make a choice.

As a rule of thumb in any marketplace, there are very few shortcuts to achieving and making known a company’s competitive advantage. In an ideal world, competition is good as it leads to the development of new products and services, and drives technological advancement. It should result in better products being brought to market at better prices and it should ensure greater choice for consumers. One of the toughest and most important questions you will be asked by savvy potential investors is: “What is your sustainable competitive advantage?”

Many entrepreneurs, maybe in their passion for their new product, gloss over this one, or even announce that they have no competition. Think about each of the three words: sustainable means over the longer term, not just today. First to market, for example, is not sustainable; it may buy you a few months, but if you show traction, competitors with deep pockets will catch up and bypass you quickly, jeopardising all your investments.

Competition should be taken broadly to include alternative ways that people might solve the problem you are addressing. Don’t define your scope so narrowly that you would not consider airplanes to be competitive with your new train, or you will suffer their fate. The problem is transportation, not slow machines on tracks.

Advantage needs to be measurable and significant. Most entrepreneurs lead with fuzzy terms such as “improved usability” and “lower cost”. Experienced business people realise that unless you are dealing with a commodity, or customers are extremely unhappy, they won’t switch to a new alternative unless the savings are well above 20 per cent.

In the case of the RMI, we differentiate and position ourselves with our particular portfolio of products and services, many of which are unmatched by anyone else in the motor trade. We are always mindful of due process in order to protect our members and believe this approach is ultimately to the benefit of all.

Book your car @ our 5 Star Graded Workshop